On Going

Her home was the Central-African rainforest in southern Cameroon, home of the pygmies of the BAKA people. For individuals to start a quest, not for the next village, but across many borders into a completely new world, may be quite rare. Even today, many pygmy children don’t even attend school. The people in the forest, often nomadic, avoid contact with modernity.

AFRA is a transsexual met in Rabat. From Cameroon across Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Algeria, at first to Morocco. I portrayed her and we created images of inner peace together. A peace that AFRA only found in liberal Canada

There, she feels free from discrimination, harassment and finally she feels accepted. The most important thing is she started to study and to work at the same time. She finally feels Alive and she can breath properly. this image won the Global Peace Photo Award 2023, who received the Alfred Fried Peace Medal.