(1993, Es-Semara) A Self-taught Documentary photographer and Filmmaker.

His practice focuses on the daily life of the human being capturing stories, and facilitating the understanding of their emotions, covering issues related to identity in particular yet its fusion in cultures and the social.

GHASSANE is specialized Technician in Business Management in Juin 2017 and Business technical expert, Juin 2019. He discovered Art at the Caravane Tighmert Festival. Caravane Tighmert is a laboratory of contemporary oasis cultures organized by the association Friends of the Caravane Tighmert Festival and the Marsad Drâa research platform. And sins 2019, he become one of the organizers of the festival until now.

His work has garnered awards, including the Global Peace Photo Award 2023, where he received the Alfred Fried Peace Medal Vienna, Austria. He won the second prize of the Institut Prometheus for démocratie and human rights in Rabat, Morocco.

He is a coordinator and general secretary of the “ Jouk Attamthil Al Bidaoui” group.

He is also a member of Rassif Collectif